On the one hand, it is so beautiful that many would like to keep it a secret, to have exclusivity, and for good reason! La Hague has something to delight young and old, from the most athletic to the most strolling or anyone looking for ThePhotospot par excellence.
The Hague is a good place for beautiful and long walks, to make discoveries as at the Jacques Prévert house, to get into the green at the botanical garden of Vauville or simply to air the head, to clear the air and to have the impression to have reached the end of the world. At least that’s the effect given by the Goury lighthouse.
On the other hand, there is a little Irish side to it. Is it because of these cliffs and its coastline, its green valleys, its curiosities like Port Racine, the smallest port in France? Maybe a little bit of all that and more. Yet, the Hague is indeed here, in the English Channel. Change of scenery and escape guaranteed at a lower cost!
Port Racine takes its name from the privateer François-Médard Racine who, in the XIXth century, after a long career in the merchant navy and after being taken prisoner several times by the English, ended up as captain of the ship the Ambush. On board, he harassed and attacked the English fleet again and again. To facilitate his office and that of his crew, he established himself sheltered from the violent winds very close to the axes of passage of the English ships in a base that is now called Port Racine.
Among the many obligatory landmarks of the Hague, there is one not to be missed under any circumstances, the Nez de Jobourg. Culminating at a height of 128 meters, it offers one of the most exceptional panoramas on the English Channel and, well beyond, towards the British islands of Alderney and Jersey.
Just below you, dive into history and adventure through the Fairy, Lion and Great Church caves, which, according to legend, were used as a hideout for smugglers from the 17th to 19th century. In addition, nature lovers will be amazed by the many animal species, especially birds, which have found, in this place, an ideal nesting space.