If the current foundry – Cornille Havard – dates from 1865, the History uniting art campanaire and Villedieu-les-Poêles is much older. Already in the XVIth century, the town was home to founders. The Havard family, including illustrious members such as Paul or Adolphe, and the Cornille family, including Léon and Marguerite, have perpetuated this ancestral know-how that is a must-see. To do so, head to the foundry, which offers guided tours of the workshop where old-time techniques and modern technologies are subtly mixed. To conclude this visit in beauty, what better than a stop in the boutique where you will discover bells, brassware, souvenirs and local products. In a word, IN-MAN-QUA-BLE!
The Sourdin(e)s or Theopolitans. While the two gentiles seem unrelated, they both refer to particular aspects of the city. “Sourdin” refers to the copper work (dinandry, piping) which, through repetitive hammering, contributed to deafening the craftsmen. “Theopolitan,” meanwhile, refers to the name of the city itself, Ville-dieu, the city of God, which is said in Greek Theopolis. Still, favor the first name.
The history of the city is also that of the river that runs through it, the Sienne. The most beautiful vestiges of this not-so-distant era remain the washhouses that can be seen here and there along the water. As a reminder, they were used, as their name suggests, to wash clothes in a period when hygiene was becoming a national priority. The washing tub, public or private, was then the place of a very precise ceremonial where the laundry was successively soaped, brushed and then beaten by the washerwomen getting down to this exhausting work. Between heritagenatural and heritagematerial, these places full of history cannot wait any longer for your visit.