What is it?

Tide tank

Bac a marée : What is it ?

You’ve probably seen them at the entrances to our destination’s beaches (but not only there). Sometimes accompanied by explanatory signs, sometimes not. Here we explain what they are and what they’re used for!

Tide bins are large “containers” that can take many forms and are placed at the entrance to the beaches of our destination and many beaches in France.

These bins are designed for collection by volunteer beach-goers of all marine litter washed up on the beaches.

What can I put in the tide bins?

There are a few rules to follow if you want to take part in this initiative, as the waste collected in the bins provides information on the ecological state of the coastline.

  • Plastics
  • packaging
  • nets and ropes
  • metals
  • rubber
  • glass
  • masks
  • miscellaneous packaging

What you can’t put in the bins: garbage cans

  • Fast-food bags
  • picnic waste
  • dog faeces
  • hazardous and polluting products
  • wood, seaweed, shellfish, fish, etc.: part of the ecosystem
  • garbage bags


When birds are breeding or nesting, be careful not to destroy a nest, a dune or a plant by trying to extract waste from the sand, for example, or from between plants.

Where are

the tidal bins

on our territory?

  • Agon-Coutainville: 4 tidal ferries: Cale des Moulières / Cale du Passous / Ecole de Voile / La Poulette
  • Blainville-sur-Mer: 3 tidal ferries: Cale de Gonneville / Cale de Blainville / La Sablière
  • Hauteville-sur-Mer: 2 tidal ferries: Cale Sud / Cale de la Brequette
  • Regnéville-sur-Mer: 4 tidal ferries: Opposite the Château / Near the marriage hall / Mielette bend (at the entrance to the GR Nord) / Lieu-dit Le Mondin (large bend at the top of Regnéville, towards Le Prey)
  • Annoville: Cale Sud (next to the campsite) and rue de la mer
  • Gouville-sur-Mer: 3 tidal ferries: Cale de Linverville / Cale de Gouville / Juste après les campings (chemin du Dydody)
  • Anneville-sur-Mer: 2 bins: Cale d’Anneville / Rue du Chemin de Fer
  • Lingreville: At the slipway and at Les Verrouis
  • Montmartin-sur-Mer: Rue des marais and “bout du monde
On the coast

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