From the Touristic road 650, at the Gouville-sur-Mer roundabout, head for the beach. Go straight on for about 500 meters; you can park on the Place René K’Dual and easily access the cabins.

Cabins with colorful roofs are an integral part of the Gouville-sur-Mer landscape. Around a hundred years ago, sea bathing became increasingly popular, bringing many tourists to our shores. The hotel not far from the site of the cabins allowed guests to change on the beach in a cabin of the same style as those seen today in the dunes. Over time, several other cabins were built in the dunes for holidaymakers. These cabins disappeared during the German occupation of World War II, but were rebuilt after the war, and others were added to this pretty village of cabins. Now privately owned, they have been carefully preserved by the family for generations. Today, they are used to store beach and fishing gear. Now numbering 69, they are part of the local heritage and subject to very strict regulations. The PLU also prohibits the construction of new ones.
> Very popular with influencers, tourists, photographers, painters… they are regularly a source of inspiration for artists, and are featured in numerous magazines, on paintings, frames and so on.
Over the years, the cabins at Gouville-sur-Mer have become one of the must-see sites in the La Manche département. They are highly sought-after and featured in numerous newspapers (televised or printed), magazines, articles on websites, etc. This undeniably contributes to the reputation of the town of Gouville-sur-Mer, but it is not without consequences. The dunes are sensitive to trampling and the deterioration of the dunes, the herbs and the local ecosystem. Too high a concentration of visitors has very harmful effects on the local flora and fauna. Cordons have been installed in the dunes along the road to prevent pedestrians from passing through at any point, and to prevent damage to the dunes.In addition to preventing damage to the dunes, privileged access routes also enable visitors to reach the beach by avoiding certain areas of the dunes. A single entrance and exit now allow visitors to be guided and avoid trampling on sensitive areas of the dune.
If you come to discover these majestic landscapes, take care to follow the marked paths and avoid wandering wildly through the dunes. Let’s take care of our natural spaces!