Lights and semaphores !

Tour of Manche lighthouses

Edition 1

Set course for the lighthouses of La Manche: sentinels of light with an unmissable charm!

Majestic, proud and steeped in history, the lighthouses of La Manche have watched over sailors for centuries, illuminating our coasts or ensuring their safety. But they are more than just navigational tools: they are also unique monuments, imbued with mystery and poetry. With a passion for high tides, you’ll be able to admire breathtaking panoramas and learn more about these guardians of the ocean: discover the lighthouses and lights of La Manche! Pack your hiking boots, your camera and your sense of adventure: these mythical beacons are just waiting for you to reveal their secrets.

Explore some of the luminous treasures of the Manche coastline and plunge into the heart of maritime history!

First of all, a quick recap of the terms, to know what we’re talking about and not get confused :

The terms lighthouse, lights and semaphore are often associated with maritime navigation, but they designate different equipment, each with a specific function. Here’s how they differ:

In a nutshell

Lighthouse: luminous building used as a navigational marker.

Lights: smaller-scale light signals, often on piers or buoys.

Semaphore: surveillance and communication post, without navigation lights.

Pointe d'Agon lighthouse


This well-known red-topped maritime signal light has been guiding sailors since 1856. It is built on the Pointe d’Agon between land and sea, giving it an unusual position.

Height: 9 m

(Photo below )

Cracko Lighthouse


The Cracko lighthouse is actually an “earlier” light, due to its position in the harbour. Commissioned in 1844, the light is a square, all-white turret. It was electrified in 1932.

Height: 7 m

(Photo right )

Cap Lihou lighthouse


Located on the Pointe du Roc, it’s a round tower of gray Chausey granite with a distinctive red-painted top. In operation since 1828, it has a bedroom, rest room, etc. inside. It was electrified in 1924.

Height: 16 m / 52 m above sea level

(Photo opposite – right )

Traffic light

Saint-Vaast La Hougue

This octagonal turret is located on the jetty. It was built in 1865. It’s a white cast-iron tower with a red-painted top.

Height: 11 m / 12 m above sea level

(photo right ).

Carteret lighthouse


Built in 1837 on the Carteret cliff, it’s a square tower with a green-painted top. It is accompanied by a semaphore. The lighthouse was electrified in 1937, then automated, although it is still manned today.

Height: 18 m, 84 m above sea level

(Photo below )

Gatteville lighthouse


The Gatteville lighthouse is a 75m-high cylindrical tower built of pink Fermanville granite. It is the second-highest lighthouse in Europe. It has 365 steps, 52 windows and 12 storeys. The view from the top is breathtaking!

Height: 75 metres

(Photo left )

Cap Lévi lighthouse


The current lighthouse was built in 1948 after the first one (built in 1858) was blown up by the Germans during the Second World War. The lighthouse is a “quadrangular” tower with curved sides, built of pink granite.

Height: 28 meters

(Photo below )

Goury lighthouse

La Hague

The lighthouse is built on the “Gros du Raz” rock, 800 metres off Cap de la Hague and close to the port of Goury. Put into operation in 1837, it signals one of Europe’s strongest tidal currents, the Raz Blanchard. The lighthouse is a cylindrical tower built of Flamanville granite. It was electrified in 1971.

Height: 48 meters

(Photo right )

Sénéquet lighthouse


The lighthouse is built on the Sénéquet rock some 3.8km off the coast of Gouville-sur-Mer. It was built in 1857. It’s a circular stone tower, with the base painted black and the top white.

Height: 17 metres

(Photo right )

Pointe de Saire fire


The Pointe de Saire light was inaugurated in 1836. The square tower, topped by a green-painted light, is built over a gatehouse. The light was electrified in 1935.

Height: 10 meters

(Photo right )

Diélette fire


The Point light is located on the western breakwater of Diélette harbor. This light dates back to 1897, several previous lights having been swept away by storms, high tides, etc. This round turret measures almost 9m and is white with the top painted green.

Height: 8.80m / height over sea 11 meters

(Photo above )

Chausey lighthouse

Chausey - Grande île

It is located on the large island of the Chausey archipelago off Granville, and is very important because the archipelago has a huge number of islets, making the area dangerous. It was built in 1846 and commissioned 2 years later. It was electrified in 1949. It’s a square, blue granite tower on top of a residential/caretaker building. The top is painted green.

Height: 19 meters / 37m above sea level

(Photo opposite – right )

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