Mill of Gouville-sur-Mer ©Coutances TourismeMill of Gouville-sur-Mer ©Coutances Tourisme
©Mill of Gouville-sur-Mer ©Coutances Tourisme
Meet Pascal Tirel

miller of the Gouville-sur-mer mill

Meet Pascal Tirel: miller of the Gouville-sur-Mer mill

Built in 1870, the mill was gradually abandoned over the years. In 2011, thanks to the commune of Gouville-sur-Mer, the mill was given a new lease of life: restoration and new equipment enabled the mill to get back into operation, producing flour since 2014.

How did you become a miller?

By chance, by answering an advert. This is my eighth season here. I’ve worked a lot in the food and cookie industries, so I knew a lot about flour. There’s no school for millers, it’s a skill and above all a passion. I never thought I’d stay this long. It’s a beautiful heritage, you get attached to the place, and I hope there’ll be someone to replace me when I retire.

What are the main challenges of this unusual job?

You haveto adapt all the time. The first year, I had a few scares… When there’s a lot of wind, especially with the sea rising, there can be strong gusts, and the wings get carried away. Now I check the weather forecast in advance, and don’t deploy them if it’s too windy. You need stamina too. Even if today, there’s more mechanical help. For example, I use a freight elevator to lift my sacks of wheat. The bag lifts the hatches from floor to floor, which saves effort.

What is the mill’s flour used for?

Today, the mill is used for tourist and educational purposes. Between April and the end of October 2023, we sold almost 700 bags of flour! I’m selling more and more, mainly to tourists who take home a souvenir of their visit. Some locals are also used to buying from the mill. La P’tite Boulange (a bakery in Gouville-sur-mer) buys the flour in bulk and makes “bread from the mill”.

    Do you have a story to tell?

There are a lot of school visits during the year. When the children arrive, they sing “meunier tu dors…” (“miller, you’re asleep…”), but I don’t have time to rest – on the contrary! It’s great fun. I often find drawings of the mill tucked under the door – there’s quite a collection of them now!





How to get there

Guided tours last about 30 min – They take place from Wednesday to Sunday, 2pm to 5pm, from March 31 to October 31.

Rates are €2.50 for adults and €2 for children, without reservation. Reservations are required for groups, at €2 per person, by calling

If you can’t make it, take advantage of the online virtual tour on our website.


Practical info :

Pets are allowed.
Toilets, parking and bicycle parking are available.
Payment by cash or cheque.


Links and contacts

Facebook : Les amis du moulin

To make a donation to the association, visit the Helloasso website.

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