The andouille
Have you heard of andouille de Vire, a delicatessen that has been handcrafted in Normandy since the early 20th century?
It is said to have been produced and marketed for the first time by Charles Amand, a charcutier from Vire, using a recipe from his grandmother. Andouille de Vire, with its irresistible smoky taste, is best enjoyed cold, but also goes well with many other Normandy specialties, such as cider and Camembert. You can, for example, prepare it in a tart, accompanied by Camembert(recipe to discover online or recipe from the Coutances Tourisme website pavés d’andouille au camembert ). For a taste of this Normandy delicacy, visit theAndouillerie de la Baleine in Gavray-sur-Sienne, one of the last traditional factories where the know-how of Vire andouille is passed on.
> If you’d like to find out how this specialty is made, tours are available. Find out more on the Andouillerie website.