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©Dunes Annoville|Octave Benard
Do you know all these words?

Seaside vocabulary

Coastal words

The coast and its vocabulary: Do you know all these words from the lexical field of the sea?

In Coutances, there’s the sky, the sun and the sea… (as in the song by François DEGUELT). And sometimes it’s a bit tricky to understand the locals talking about their maritime environment. Don’t panic, we’ll help you find your way through all this vocabulary.

How about deciphering this maritime lexicon together?

The tide

It’s a periodic natural phenomenon producing a change in sea-level height. This is influenced by lunar and solar attraction. High and low tides set the pace for coastal life, constantly changing the landscape. When the tides are high (coefficients over 90), the spectacle is magnificent, and it’s sometimes difficult to make out the sea as it has receded into the distance. > In order to enjoy this spectacle in complete safety, and to make sure you don’t go for a dip while the sea is receding into the distance, don’t hesitate to get hold of the 2025 tide guide, available from all tourist offices in the area(or consult the online tide timetables on our website).

Tidal range

This is the difference in water level between low and high water.

Tidal ferries

Most often located at the beach entrances, these bins are available for beach-goers to drop off washed-up marine waste (fishing nets, buoys, plastics, glass, etc.) on their return from the beach. Just be careful not to drop off anything and everything! Explanatory signs on the bins will help you in your efforts to preserve the coastline. A small gesture for the planet that’s useful and accessible to all!

The tidal bore

It’s a spectacular natural phenomenon that occurs during high tides, when the rising tide creates a wave that travels upstream. It can be observed on our territory at Pont de la Roque, 30 minutes before high tide. This wave is very popular with kayakers, paddlers, etc. who enjoy surfing it (beginners beware!).

A haven

It’s an estuary where rivers flow into the sea. These large, unspoilt natural spaces are home to a natural heritage of great beauty. There are 4 of them on our territory (Havre de Regnéville, Havre de Geffosse, Havre de la Vanlée and Havre de Blainville-sur-mer), so don’t hesitate to follow the hiking trails that cross them and discover exceptional landscapes! A page on our website will give you lots of information about the harbors.

An estuary

It’s the mouth of a river where freshwater mixes with saltwater from the sea. This natural area boasts a rich and varied ecosystem, serving as a refuge for numerous animal and plant species.


is the coastal zone uncovered at low tide and covered at high tide. It’s a place of transition between land and sea, home to a specific flora and fauna. Discover our article on the 8 remarkable species you can observe when the sea retreats.

Eelgrass beds

A veritable seagrass meadow, these plants (and no, they’re not algae!) can be recognized by their long, green, ribbon-like leaves. They are protected at European level. It is therefore essential not to trample them or scrape the sand around these areas, as many animals have made them their habitat.


is a brown seaweed found on rocks or at the sea leash (deposits of seaweed left on the beach when the sea recedes) which is harvested and dried to make fertilizer. It is also harvested to extract iodine.

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