Enjoy the spectacle of nature

High winter tides

Havre de la Vanlée à marée basse
©Havre de la Vanlée à marée basse|Aymeric Picot

Autumn and winter: our region still offers some great natural spectacles: the spring tides!

In the autumn and winter, our region is home to the high tides. An extraordinary spectacle, nature is sometimes unleashed during storms and offers magnificent sights to be observed during a rejuvenating weekend in Coutances mer et bocage. Here are our tips for enjoying the high tides and taking a break from the daily grind!

What are spring tides?

Our coastline is the scene of some of the highest tides in Europe, so don’t miss them!

High tides, also known as spring tides, occur at the time of the new or full moon. At this moment, the moon and the earth are aligned on a common axis, attracting each other extremely strongly. The tidal range (difference between the height of water at low tide and high tide) is said to be significant, sometimes reaching over 10 meters. During these high tides, the foreshore is uncovered as far as the eye can see, and the sea retreats for miles.

A tide is said to be a “great tide” when the coefficient exceeds 90. They range from 20 (neap tides) to 120 (great equinox tides).

The seaside

many benefits

Good for the head and the body:

  • Children let off steam at the beach, which helps them sleep and eat better.
  • Sea water’s composition has numerous benefits for the skin: zinc, iodine and sodium help to heal and improve the skin’s appearance.
  • Sand is a natural exfoliant: walking in the sand improves blood circulation and gently exfoliates the skin.
  • Sea spray cleanses the nasal passages and helps you breathe easier: breathe deeply and fill your lungs with the benefits of iodine and trace elements.
  • Long strolls by the sea encourage you to disconnect and clear your head. You can recharge your batteries and enjoy the fresh air.

Did you know?

In the low season, prices for seaside accommodation are reduced (for the most part). You can therefore enjoy magnificent accommodation with a sea view or in the immediate vicinity of the beaches for very attractive prices!

A sometimes breathtaking spectacle

High tides often mean unleashed nature. There are many places where you can watch the tidal bore rise at full speed, for example, and appreciate its fervor (check out the best places to watch it). But high tides sometimes coincide with winter storms, and in such circumstances, the winds multiply the elements tenfold, producing splendid waves, vibrant eddies and powerful breakers that make for magnificent shots for photo enthusiasts. Walks along the seashore take on a whole new aspect. You fight against the spray and the winds, you sneak up to admire the spectacle, you let your mind wander to admire the power of the sea. In short, you’ll feel very small and admire the beauty of our natural world!

> Then head back to the shelter for a hot drink, or stop off at a café to make the pleasure last!

Tips for walking in the fresh air

If you’re here for the weekend and don’t know where to go for a stroll, don’t worry: our experts have some tips for exploring the surrounding area, or simply discovering our paths. There are several options open to you:

  • On foot, for hiking: We have some 36 signposted hiking trails in the area, 14 of which are on the seafront. From Blainville-sur-Mer to Agon-Coutainville or Hauteville-sur-Mer, you’ll be spoilt for choice. Tours are available from tourist information offices (6 in the area – timetables can be consulted online) or free online in our hiking section.
  • By bike: Coutances Tourisme also offers a number of circuits (available online), and there are several bike rental outlets where you can spend your vacation in “soft transport” mode.
  • Seaside dykes: Several seaside resorts and towns have dykes or similar areas where you can walk close to the sea. Hauteville-sur-Mer, Agon-Coutainville and Regnéville-sur-Mer are just some of the towns and villages where you can walk along the sea.

The perfect opportunity to try your hand at fishing!

If there’s ever an occasion to try out this intergenerational leisure activity that’s free, relaxing, rejuvenating and full of benefits, it’s during spring tides.

It’s an opportunity to practice a hobby with the kids, to help them discover the foreshore, and the great pleasure of taking home the fruits of your catch and enjoying them around a good table in the evening!

All the same, you need to respect quotas, authorized tools and quantities, and take the necessary precautions for your outing (tide times, weather, compass, cell phone, etc.).

All the details and best practices are available on our website in the must-see section!
