Coutainville la plage à Agon-Coutainville dans l'agenda des manifestations de Coutances Tourisme
©Coutainville la plage à Agon-Coutainville|Jim Prod

All events

A directory of activities to liven up your holiday or your evenings in the Coutances Mer et Bocage region!

What to do tonight? What to do this weekend? What to do during our holiday? So many questions that we always end up asking ourselves! Well, we have a lot of answers to your questions here!
Our little tool below will allow you to search through the many dates of events in our calendar.
Concerts, festivals, festivities, markets, theatrical  plays, orchestral performances, festive soirées, fairs, … Select your preferred criteria, the calendar will automatically update and offer you the schedule of events organised. All you have to do is choose the ones that interest you and enjoy the show.
