Château de Gratot

  • Castels
  • Renaissance
  • Official historical monument of France (MHC)
  • Listed or registered (CNMHS)
  • Fortified castle
80 rue d'Argouges, 50200 Gratot
The residence of the d’Argouges is composed of four towers and other imposing buildings built from the 13th to the 18th century and surrounded by moats. Elegant and legendary, today, the walls of Château de Gratot still whisper the tale of the fairy Andaine, who disappeared one day from the tower window... It was saved from total ruin by a team of passionate volunteers who started restoration work in 1968. The permanent exhibition “Life throughout the centuries” is a historical and...


Car park
  • Activities
  • Temporary exhibitions

  • Equipment
  • Parking

  • Toilets

  • Services
  • Shop

  • Bicycle parking


Base rate - full rate adult
From 5€

Rate for adult group
From 2.50€

School group rate
From 1€

Child rate
From 2€

Base rate - full rate adult

Rate for adult group

School group rate

Child rate

Debit cardsDebit cards
Postal or bank chequesPostal or bank cheques
Contactless paymentContactless payment


All year
10:00 - 19:00

10:00 - 19:00

10:00 - 19:00

10:00 - 19:00

10:00 - 19:00

10:00 - 19:00

10:00 - 19:00


Château de Gratot
80 rue d'Argouges, 50200 Gratot
Contact Château de Gratot
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