Fishing gear and quotas : regulations to know
Depending on the species you wish to fish, some tools are allowed and others are totally forbidden. For example, when fishing for cockles, you are allowed to fish with a knife, a claw, a shovel, a rake and a pike, whereas venus clam fishing can only be done with a knife, a claw, a shovel and a pike but not with a rake. Each species is subject to its own regulations, which are detailed in the table opposite. You can download it by clicking on the button below.
Each tool (presented in the brochure below, which can also be downloaded) is also regulated. For example, authorised rakes must have a maximum width of 20 cm, maximum tines of 7 cm and a minimum space between tines of 2 cm. All this is of course standardised in order to reduce the damage done to the foreshore for the preservation and survival of species and for their renewal.
Responsible fishing allows species to develop serenely, to not overly attack their environment and thus to participate in maintaining species in good conditions in their natural habitat.